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To Archive / teddie_2
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:43 AM
Privacy is probably best for these things anyway, haha.
..Mm! Maybe
4:43 AM
Was there anything in specific you wanted to talk about, though?...
4:44 AM
It's just the moon! Even if it's ominous.
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:44 AM
Well... you said it was calling out to you. How so? In dreams? What does it say, exactly?
Eh? No, not in dreams- well, not exactly? Uhh
4:45 AM
I do think it does something to my dreams! But not, directly related to the calling
4:45 AM
Ehe! This is sounding really weird huh.
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:46 AM
No, not at all. It's nice to have someone to relate to on the topic.
I usually try not to think about it ʕ ´∀`ʔ It's kinda freaky to linger on
4:46 AM
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:46 AM
Like I said, my fear is... irrational, so many tend not to take me seriously. So I didn't want to dismiss you like others have to me, if that makes sense.
Oh! Thank you I feel like mine are very... me specific, though! So I can't blame the others for not getting that...
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:48 AM
Oh, I see. That makes it scarier, though! Like she knows personal details, or something...
4:48 AM
I guess... I shouldn't talk about the moon like its a person, huh?
Hm.. maybe
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:48 AM
Isn't there a saying that if you talk about something a certain way, it gives it power? Many cultures believe that...
Oh! Ehe, yeah, I, know about that
4:49 AM
How does the moon make you feel?
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:51 AM
Trapped, I guess. Watched. Like I can't escape it. I guess I can't, it is ever present. It feels like... a suffocating force? It's hard to explain. Imagine a very overbearing parent that just constantly watches you and never gives you privacy
A parent... I guess. Yeah. I feel that too, I suppose Well! Not always
4:52 AM
It kind of only really starts getting bad when the moon gets fuller
4:53 AM
The dreams they come with are just silly sounding though, ehe
4:54 AM
Sometimes when I wake up it feels like I was someone else for a bit! Weird, right? It never lasts long though! So it's probably just because of sleepiness
4:54 AM
I don't really remember them anyhow
4:54 AM
It's just a feeling.
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 4:55 AM
Huh... that does make sense with it, I think. (TW; Mind/Body Control) Do you feel... controlled, maybe? Like maybe your body was taken by someone, and you were forced to endure it? I guess that can count as feeling like you were someone else, if someone invades your mind like that.
Controlled?... Hm... I don't really know?... The dreams itself... They always felt like memories! Just, not mine. Which sounds weird! Cus it probably is. But dreams are weird! Plus I can't really even say that when I never really remember. Sometimes I wake up with feelings that I don't think are mine as well, which is just as silly.. Or even if I just start thinking about it too hard when it's full! It doesn't feel like me, that's for sure. So maybe?...
4:59 AM
I thought that was all kind of because of a weird me situation though.. You're saying you get that too? Do other people?!?
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:01 AM
I think it's just us... which is pretty unique! But I wonder what our connection is...? I don't want to worry you or question you, though. I understand you want to keep your privacy about yourself.
Aw, I'm sorry... You can question me if you want to! I just, don't know in how much detail I can go... Since! We don't know eachother that well, I guess But it'd be nice to have some more information about the moon stuff... If you also have it that must mean there's more going on!! Which is worth looking into
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:05 AM
Well, I do have some things I want to keep private as well, I hope you understand. But let's just say, um... I had a bad experience when I was a teen. Concerning the moon. And it made me lose a lot of people in my life. I guess I don't want the same to happen to you, since you seem so nice! Maybe we'll wait on it-- you can let me know if it gets worse, but for now, let's try to have a bond of trust first?
Of course! That makes sense, don't worry! I wouldn't want to pry.. I'm sorry to hear that, though?!? That sounds really scary... I hope you're alright now, if nothing else
5:07 AM
It's been about the same for years now though, so I'll be okay! But it'd be nice to keep talking
5:07 AM
Let me know if you ever need anything as well...
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:09 AM
You're very sweet Teddie-san, thank you. ❤️ I'm okay now. I have my brother with me, and I feel that with him I can overcome anything!
ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ So are you!! Oh! I'm glad! ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ Family can help a lot, huh?
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:14 AM
Yes, they can! Do you have a support system?
Mhm!! I have my friends and my family nowʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ I don't like talking to them about weird stuff like my moon feelings, but if somethings really important I bring it up!
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:19 AM
I see! I'm glad you have someone to talk about it with, now! Well, speaking of, I would like to get some rest. I hope you have a good night, Teddie-san!
You too, Mochi!! Rest well... I'll see you again later!!
5:20 AM
ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ Good night!
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 10/14/2020 5:27 AM
Good night! ( = 7 =)/
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:13 PM
Hello, Teddie-san?
Oh!! Hi!!
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:14 PM
Hey. ... when was the roleplay thing. Introduced as the cover up story???
3:14 PM
I'm so confused. 😭
Just now, from what I can tell...
3:14 PM
Wahh, I'm sorry! To be honest I'm having kind of a hard time too...
3:14 PM
I'm sure it will work out! Sorry for the, confusion...
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:16 PM
This 'other world' stuff is giving me a headache as is
3:16 PM
If things related to there really are happening again...
3:16 PM
Augh, I don't want to think about it But that's not really an option either...
3:17 PM
We were doing so well not having any major weird incidents for a while.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:18 PM
Stay safe, yeah? From what I've heard this ... is really dangerous.
Don't worry, I will! You too.. If something really is going on...
3:19 PM
You don't have a persona yourself, right?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:24 PM
I don't.
3:26 PM
You've been in contact with a bunch of the others, right?... Do you know who'd be closest to your location who does have one?
3:27 PM
Just, if something weird ever happened...
3:27 PM
It'd be bad if you got hurt!
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:27 PM
It's Yosuke...-San
Oh! Yosuke-nii... Alright.
3:29 PM
Well, you two met up before, right? I'm glad you're friends!!
3:30 PM
I'm in Okina, not Tokyo, so I'm not much help there, but...
3:30 PM
Yosuke-nii is very strong! I'm sure he'd have things under control just fine!
3:30 PM
...Don't tell him I said that.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:30 PM
We've met before. Yeah. By accident. ^^"
3:31 PM
I only recognised him from the fact his Myplace got shared in the chatroom. >> (edited)
Eh? He shared that in the chatroom? And he's telling me to be careful...
3:34 PM
I see! Well, at least you two know eachother now, I guess....
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/3/2020 3:35 PM
Well! If he trusts you! I'll trust you too!ʕ ´∀`ʔ If you're ever in the area and need someone to show you around, let me know!
3:37 PM
For now though! Let's hope everything will be fine...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2020 5:29 PM
After parking his motorcycle, Yosuke almost sprinted to Teddie's apartment, out of breath and panting once he reaches the door. Not wanting to agitate whatever's inside, he knocks, trying hard to seem SOMEWHAT composed. "Where is it," he hisses between his teeth the second he sees his brother, "What the hell were you thinking?" Yosuke wasn't yelling, which was usually a bad sign, but he didn't want to agitate whatever "shadow" was inside. Naoya hadn't given him ANY details on the level of danger @Ribbon was in, so he was expecting to see the other dead, frankly. It was had not to be upset.
The moment Teddie heard someone knock on the door, he instinctively jumped up and grabbed the tiny shadow that had been resting on his lap in a panic. Oh no they found him they were going to- Actually, the Shadow Operatives probably wouldn't just calmly knock on his door if they were planning on raiding his house. Maybe it was just the mailman. "Sorry if I scared you, little one..." The little shadow looked more confused then anything. In a distorted voice, they let out a 'Knock!', shifting in Teddies arms to get more comfortable. "Mhm~ Someone knocked on the door! I should, probably get that." Looking around, he quickly moved into the bathroom and put the little blob in the laundry basket. "Stay here for a second for me, okay? I'll be back before you know it! Just stay quiet for a bit!" God, he hoped the shadow would understand that. Giving them a small wave and a smile before heading over to the front door (They waved back! Gosh they were cute like that) he closed the bathroom door behind him. Yosuke was however, not the person he wanted- or expected- to see. "Nii-san-" Oh god, Yosuke was upset. And seemed to be aware of the shadow. Sure, he'd expected him to find that out sooner rather then later, but he'd at least assumed Yosuke would message him first! "E-excuse me! Could you maybe let me know when you're coming over?" He did his best to stand in a way that would block the doorway at least a little bit. He did not want Yosuke coming in right now. Please stay put, little shadow!...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2020 5:54 PM
Yosuke's fire dies down, but only slightly. Actually SEEING his brother be ok and seeing that things in the house weren't DESTROYED put him at ease. He shakes his head, remembering himself. No, Teddie stole a SHADOW from a lab! Of course he's mad! "Naoya-senpai told me you took a shadow from the Shadow Operative's lab-- what in the world is the matter with you!?" He starts to throw up his arms, but keeps his voice in a low hiss. "You could have been KILLED-- what if it attacked you!? What if it destroyed your property!? Imagine how much you'd have to pay your landlo--" His eyes lock onto something behind Teddie that was moving out of the bathroom. It was small, black, and had glowing yellow eyes. He recognized it immediately. "Oh my god."
"What?!" Who did Yosuke think he was? He wasn't just out here stealing random shadows for kicks! "I'm sorry, I didn't do it for fun! I'm not out here going around stealing shadows just to spice up my sunday evening! Is that what you take me for?" Glaring at Yosuke, he did his best not to raise his voice. He didn't want to scare the little shadow blob. if they could hear him from there... "They- They were talking! They have been talking! They didn't do anything harmful! They've pretty much just-" Hearing a door creak from inside, he spun around immediately. "Little one, no-" The shadow stared back at him, eyes seemingly wide. Then, it continued to approach the door. Oh god, oh no, if Yosuke got to it, then- "I'm really sorry!" With that, he turned to face Yosuke again- and shoved him back as hard as he could, before slamming the door. "They're not harming anyone! I'm not letting you harm them!" Yosuke should be able to hear him yelling trough the door, right? He didn't exactly test that before, but he assumed so. Running over to the little shadow, he picked them up again and softly patted them. "S-shoving people normally is bad! So maybe, don't do that, okay? Only if you're in danger." Oh god, he was not setting a good example for them like this. The shadow just stared- they seemed a little caught off guard by the yelling.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2020 6:20 PM
"It... talks?" This was all Yosuke could get out before he was shoved back into the railing outside, the door slammed on his face. Oh, come on. The last thing he wanted to do was fight with Teddie, but he couldn't just let this slide. Taking a deep breath, he pulls out his ring of keys and fishes for the one to Teddie's place. He unlocks the door and peaks in, then closes it quickly and quietly behind him, locking it so no one could bust in. "You really shouldn't yell, you're gonna alert the neighbors," he's DEFINITELY annoyed by Teddie shoving him and slamming the door on his face, but they had bigger fish to fry, so to speak. Or, shadows to fry... But... it was just LOOKING at them like it was SCARED. How the hell could Yosuke get mad at that? His shoulders slump. "... you said it talks? Like... like you?" He scrubs his face. "Jesus, Teddie, what if you get in serious trouble for this? What if someone SEES it?"
....Oh god, Yosuke had his keys with him. Freezing up and looking very guilty, he held the little shadow against him a bit tighter. "T-they do! Naoya-san knows it too!" Taking a step back from Yosuke (where to, he didn't know- Yosuke was kind of standing in front of the one exit at the moment) he looked down at the little blob. "...Do you want to talk?" They hadn't talked before he arrived to any of the people there, right? Would they want to talk in front of Yosuke? Oh, he really needed to convince him the shadow wasn't dangerous, though... Staring up at him, then at Yosuke, and then back at him, the shadow seemed to think about it. Then, in a very soft, voice (or voices, considering the slight distortion) they replied 'No' before raising their claws- hands? over their eyes. ...Ah. Great, his brother was mad at him, the Shadow Operatives probably hated him for kidnapping a shadow, and now he'd probably scared said shadow by yelling. He felt horrible. "...They were keeping them frozen alive. I didn't-" What to even say? It wasn't like he did have a plan, and he probably already was in trouble for it. "...I just didn't want them to get hurt." Staring at the ground, he went quiet again.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2020 6:45 PM
Yosuke looks at the way Teddie protectively held the shadow, then listened to what he had to say. Frozen alive...? What if it died? Talking shadows are RARE, right...? "I don't know if we should keep it here," he moves slowly forward, reaching out a hand with his fingers curled, like how one would approach a scared animal. He gently presses his knuckles to the blob's head, giving it a little pet to let it know he wasn't a danger. It was surprisingly warm. "Maybe we should take it to the other world... I mean, it's peaceful there now, right?" He heaves a sigh. "How the hell can it survive in this world to begin with? Doesn't that mean it's... it has a soul?" He distantly thought of the vision of his own shadow he had been seeing, but didn't mention it. He definitely had to deal with that on his own terms.
Seeing Yosuke pet it, Teddie visibly relaxed. Not having to worry about him trying to stab the little one was very nice. The little blob seemed to appreciate it too, slowly lowering their hands- and then slowly raising them again, this time to gently put them on Yosukes hand. Aw! That seemed like a good sign. "I just..." He let out a sigh. "I don't know the why's or the how's but I don't just want to have it sit alone in the TV world... I don't"... He didn't want them to sit there staring for days on end at the entrance, hoping someone would come. Hoping they hadn't been forgotten just yet. "If they are like me, that means they're pretty much just a child. They deserve to have someone looking after them." He never got to have a childhood, and it still was something that hurt to think about. But this little one- it was still a baby, right? If it was like him, at least. That meant he could give them one- they didn't have to go trough the same things. He looks back up at Yosuke, eyes pleading. "Please? I know this- this might not be a viable long term option, but I don't just want to stash them away alone just because it'd be 'more beneficial' to us."
@Kayla, male thot enemy of state By the way Yosuke-nii, let me know if and when Sensei comes home, alright? And if you need anything with both of you sick...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/16/2022 9:37 PM
Thank you Ted, I'll keep you posted... Kanji is here now at least, but my head feels full of like... I don't know, rocks. I don't want you to have to care for us on top of Hikaru too...
ʕ ´∀`ʔ I’m glad Kanji’s there!!
9:40 PM
Get some rest if you can… And I’ll get there if you need me! I’m sure I could find a place for Hikaru for the night if I needed to. So DO let me know!! Or I’ll be mad at you too ʕ`Ω´ ʔ
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/16/2022 9:41 PM
Ok ok... I'll take care of myself... I just know that Yu gets like this when he has a high fever, so I packed
9:42 PM
At least last time I had to take care of him he STAYED AT HOME ʕ`Ω´ ʔ
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/16/2022 9:52 PM
Ugh He snuck out when I wasn't looking
I'll get you a child leash as a gift for Christmas.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/16/2022 9:54 PM
God, please Thank you
Just let me know if you’re alright tomorrow, okay? Sleep well, nii.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/21/2022 7:50 AM
im sorry for last night... i was trying to tease but i crossed a huge line i shouldnt have done that, especially since you seem to like yu...
ʕ ´ ‿`ʔ Who doesn’t like Sensei? Thank you though ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ I’m fine! Bear things come, bear things go, Teddie remains the same. How’s he? How are you?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/21/2022 5:03 PM
well, hes giving me the cold shoulder, which is a pretty good indicator hes upset... but i apologized at least. i think well order something, just to raise his spirits even a little
Ah…. Yeah. Well, at least you’re doing what you can! Get something tasty ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ And… maybe do have a talk later, and whatnot. For both your sakes! But also when everyones entirely better
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/21/2022 10:00 PM
yeah, i plan to... im sorry again, ted
It’s okaaaaay! ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ Just take care of yourself for me, alright? I’m not there to make sure to annoy you into doing it myself! ʕ`Ω´ ʔ
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/21/2022 10:09 PM
thank you... ill be sure to ❤️
Senseiiii ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ Permission to bother you for a bit? ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:20 AM
You could never bother me, Teddie.
6:20 AM
What's up?
Charming as ever ʕง ´͈౪`ʔ ว Uhm ʕ ゚ ○ ゚ʔ First things first! Are you feeling entirely alright again? You were pretty sick…
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:29 AM
I'm still not completely recovered, but I'm getting there. I've gotten back to work, at least. ^-^
That’s a good sign! Hopefully. Please don’t drag yourself out there when delirious again.
6:31 AM
We were all worried about you, you know? ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:34 AM
I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again... As long as you all tie me down. :')
ʕゝ ڡó ʔ۶ We will!
6:37 AM
Hmmm…. Well I was kind of hoping I’d think of a way to phrase this like I’m not prying into personal stuff during this ʕっ◞x◟cʔ But I don’t think I’ve got any good excuses
6:37 AM
So to be a rude bear for a second ٩ʕ ;;◦`꒳´◦ʔ۶ Yosuke-nii huh! Have you two talked at all lately perhaps about certain things
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:38 AM
Certain things...?
Well that's a bad sign already...
6:40 AM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:40 AM
I'm feeling okay. :D
Wow! You're worse then Yosuke-nii.
6:42 AM
Hmm... I guess that's a no, then.
6:42 AM
......Well, thank you for your time! ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ Looks like I might have to switch targets!
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/27/2022 6:44 AM
Okay then. Have fun! ^-^
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 6:56 AM
Hello, Teddie. :)
6:56 AM
Is everything alright?
7:01 AM
Kind of, I suppose.
7:01 AM
I wanted to talk! About a bunch of things, but they’re all pretty connected I guess
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 7:03 AM
I'm not sure if I'll have all of the answers, but feel free to bear-ounce them off of me.
…Heh. ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
7:07 AM
Sensei… how are things between you and Nii-san right now?
7:07 AM
i mean
7:07 AM
I know you’re not together.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 7:35 AM
Oh, I suppose Yosuke told you...
7:36 AM
Things gave been good, though. It's nice to finally have that weight off of both of us.
I asked him, actually. So that’d be my fault…
7:37 AM
7:37 AM
Okay. I’m glad to hear that, then
7:38 AM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 7:39 AM
What's wrong?
Do you still want to be together, eventually?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 7:44 AM
Of course I do. I just...
7:45 AM
...I know it isn't the right time for him. I really do want to be with him, but... I'd just be taking advantage of him when he's in such a bad place if I did anything with him now.
Mm… okay. I guess that’s all I wanted to hear. ʕ ´ ᴥ`ʔ Thank you. I’m sorry for bringing it up
7:46 AM
If nii says it’s the right decision, I trust him.
7:47 AM
If you say it’s the right decision… as your friend, I should trust you too.
7:47 AM
I’m sorry, Sensei. I don’t think I’ve been treating you very fairly
7:47 AM
….for a pretty long time now, maybe.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 7:48 AM
Why's that?
I’ve been assigning you a lot of stuff, I think. I guess I always did that. But after you moved out…
7:52 AM
Ehe. I should probably leave it at that. I’m sorry for it. I still.. I can’t say I’m happy with the way things turned. But as long as you’re both working hard, it’ll be fine, won’t it? I trust nii. And I trust you, as Yu.
7:53 AM
Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, Sensei. ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
7:54 AM
I’ll be cheering you both on, okay? I wanna attend a wedding someday!! I’ll make sure nii’s doing his best too!!
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:03 AM
I'm hoping for a wedding one day, too, but I want Yosuke to be safe and happy, first.
8:03 AM
I know I can't get into the details, and I don't want to leave you in the dark, but... Now really isn't the best time for either of us. I know things aren't ideal, so I hope you can forgive that decision.
I know. I may not get it... but I know. Take the time you think you need, okay?
8:05 AM
I love you, Yu! Take care of yourself, and of Nii.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:08 AM
Of course I will. I won't let anything happen to either of us if I can avoid it. ^-^
8:08 AM
I love you, too, Teddie, and... Thank you.
8:09 AM
We're still figuring things out, but we'll get there. Don't worry about us, okay?
Well, I can’t promise you that, but…
8:10 AM
As long as you promise me to tell me if you both need anything… We’ve got a deal, alright? ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:11 AM
I promise.
Hehe. ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ Okay!! Thank you again
8:12 AM
Have a good day, okay? That’s an order. ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ And I’ll do the same thing
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:15 AM
I'll do my best. :D
8:16 AM
Be sure to tell me if you or Hikaru need anything, too. I'm always here for both of you.
Mhm!!! I will.
8:21 AM
For now, I'm just figuring out a way to convince them bugs aren't affected by the cold outside, heh. Now that it's getting colder they've been trying to put them in my bed to warm them up. ʕ ´∀`;ʔ We're working on it.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:24 AM
I'm surprised you weren't doing the same thing with Yosuke. You both have such big hearts, although it does seem like a safety hazard to the bugs...
8:26 AM
If you ever need any sort of break for any reason, Yosuke and I can always take them in for a few days. I know being a single parent can be difficult, and we would love to see them. It's been a while since we've gotten time together in-person—I'm sure they've grown a lot. ^-^
Geez, you really can turn anything into a compliment, huh? ʕ ≧▽≦ʔ
8:30 AM
They really have grown... You have no idea how relieving THATS been, haha
8:31 AM
Hmmm~ I don't wanna phrase it as needing a break, but... Hmm. Maybe after everythings clear, for sure!
8:31 AM
They seem to be fine in Tokyo from what I've seen, but I still don't wanna keep them in a shadow infected area on purpose for longer periods of time unless necessary
8:31 AM
I'm just scared it'd influence them.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:33 AM
I understand... I couldn't imagine the situation you're in, but I'm really glad that you're taking so much into consideration to keep them safe. You're a great parent.
8:34 AM
We'll have to come down soon, then... Granted, we already are anyway for the holidays.
Aww!! You really know how to cheer a girl upʕ ≧▽≦ʔ♡♡♡
8:35 AM
You better! It's been too long already
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:40 AM
I think Yosuke could really use a visit to see family. We probably will have to come down outside of the Christmas and New Years festivities, anyway, since Yosuke and Adachi-san aren't the best mix...
Ah... Yeah, huh...
8:43 AM
You'll still visit for one of them though, right?..
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:44 AM
I think we're both planning to go down for the entire holidays, unless work conflicts, but Yosuke could use some time outside of that to see you guys.
8:45 AM
I mean
8:45 AM
Hehe, yes, of course
8:45 AM
I look forward to it!! I've missed you both
8:46 AM
Even if the circumstances were as bad as they were... living together again with Nii even just for a little while was really nice
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:49 AM
I can understand why—I would feel the same with Dojima-san and Nanako.
8:50 AM
But we'll be down to see you as soon as we can. :)
Yeah… Good!!! And no full moon during the holidays, it’ll be really nice
8:54 AM
Ahhh, gift shopping ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 8:56 AM
I've already got a closet full. I hope I got some stuff that Hikaru will want...
Ohoho! Prepared, I see!
8:58 AM
They’re still pretty young, Yu…. I’m sure they’ll love almost anything, hehe.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:00 AM
That's good. I'll make sure they have a lot to choose from, just in case.
….Geez! ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ Don’t let them find out they’re all from you, or they’ll wanna go home with you!
9:02 AM
Thanks for being so caring towards them, though… ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
9:02 AM
It really means a lot. Hehe
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:02 AM
Let's just say most of them are from Santa. ^-^
9:03 AM
Besides, I'm sure I'll have to give Adachi-san one or two of them for Hikaru at the last minute, too.
Hee hee! Absolutely
9:04 AM
Ah yeah… They haven’t seen him before, have they?
9:05 AM
Huh. I guess he’d have been informed by one of you all though, hm? I hadn’t even thought about that yet.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:08 AM
I told him a while ago. I'm sure he'll be fine with Hikaru, so don't worry about that. ^-^
Mm! Okay ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ I’ll trust you on that.
9:09 AM
And if he isn’t, I’ll make sure he WILL be! ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:09 AM
Please don't beat up Adachi-san in front of your child...
Hey!! I’d never!! ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ Have some faith in me!!
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:12 AM
I'm teasing. I know you would never teach Hikaru anything bad like that.
Hehe! Yeah…
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 9:14 AM
Yosuke, on the other hand...
9:21 AM
...Let's not worry about that right now. I'm sure everything will go well!
9:21 AM
...I don't think I've told Sho about Hikaru, though...
Ah, you should probably inform him then huh!
9:26 AM
Oh and uhm
9:27 AM
I’ve told you before, but not the shadow part obviously.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/5/2022 1:39 PM
Don't worry, I won't. ^-^
Hehe, I know ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
1:41 PM
Thank you as always
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:26 PM
I'm so sorry about what happened in chat Yu brought it up and I just... I don't know, I was agreeing I didn't want to hurt you tho, but I can tell you're hurt I'm really sorry
Ah, nii...
2:30 PM
I know, i
2:30 PM
Its okay. Its a weird topic.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:31 PM
I know. I guess we were all caught up in trying to tell this dude it's not cool or fun
Mhm! And it really isn't
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:32 PM
I should have considered your feelings more
It's okay.. I mean, I know how you meant things And you were right for it too!
2:33 PM
Ah... man.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:33 PM
2:33 PM
What's on your mind?
Hehe, too much! As always
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:34 PM
I don't know. There's a lot to think about, isn't there?... It's nicer when none of it matters. There's a reason I never wanted to do stuff with the Shadow Operatives... but now with the current situations it's a little hard to ignore
2:37 PM
oh man I don't even know how to type up anything. I will just give it up I think to save us both a headache
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:40 PM
Ted, it's ok to tell me what's going on. I'm always here to listen. I know I say the wrong thing a lot, but I still care about you. And I know you're suddenly thrust back into everything... If I had it my way you'd be living a happy life with Hikaru.
Mm… Thanks, nii ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
2:41 PM
It's just.. a lot of general stuff, really.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:42 PM
I know, but even just the little stuff is important to get off your chest, right?
I mean, I can't even really complain about things happening without being the biggest hypocrite alive. I pretty directly benefitted from our own. And now with Hikaru... it's just opened up a lot of stuff that was much easier to handwave when it was a me thing. You know how much existential wondering over yourself you can be saved by having the proof of a persona? That probably never was really an answer, but.... It was pretty convenient! Where do you draw the line between a shadow and a person? There! So shadows get to be evil, and persona havers get to be cool! ...I can't really say that anymore for obvious reasons.
2:45 PM
Does that make sense. Aaaaaagh
2:46 PM
Shadows should start coming with little stamps to clarify what they fall under. This would help.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:56 PM
What's that quote... It goes "I think therefore I am," I think. It basically says that anything that's conscious and can think things through has a soul or something. And it's pretty obvious you have done a LOT of thinking lol ;)
2:57 PM
I think it's a lot more simple than you're making it out to be. I think as long as you have thoughts and feelings, you're a person, right?
That still just goes for me, though... I don't love the idea that any shadow we're sending back to the. whatever they came from. Could've been Hikaru in any other situation, nii
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 2:59 PM
That's true... It's hard to know if they all had the potential like you two... But think about when you first came into being. You already had your own thoughts and feelings, and I think you noticed those in Hikaru too. I think if a shadow is obviously not acting on instinct like normal, then they're probably something more... Right?
I guess?... They were in a pretty weird situation to start with, though... They were isolated from the shadow world and had been frozen for like... probably a while?...
3:00 PM
Plus I think they only started talking around me?...
3:01 PM
....Don't know what that says about either them OR me
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:20 PM
It could be what we know about lesser shadows following the orders of bigger ones... But I think overthinking it is going to cause you to become really depressed... You're my lil sis, and we all love you. Is there much else to it than that?
…Thanks, nii ʕ ´ ᴥ`ʔ♡
3:21 PM
I try to keep it at that... Yeah
3:22 PM
sorry! Sometimes it just bubbles up a bit
3:22 PM
A bigger shadow... Whah! No more of that
3:23 PM
There's more important stuff to think about !
3:23 PM
Thanks for listening to me vent! I'll be okay
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:30 PM
If you need to talk more, I'm here, ok? Well, in between caring for babies...
Hehe, I mean, same! On both accounts
3:31 PM
Thank you
3:31 PM
For now I'll try to forget about it. It's not going anywhere anyhow!
3:32 PM
Oh well.
3:32 PM
As long as it doesn't impact them, I'm fine
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:49 PM
Well... Maybe facing it would be a good idea. I think ignoring it all is what's making it come back up...
…. ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ It’s one or the other nii! I can’t do both!!
3:51 PM
I just… I don’t know. It’s kind of a topic without a nice neat answer to come to.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:52 PM
Bro;;; Maybe we need to get you in to see that SO therapist Naoya was talking about. She's in the know on this stuff
3:52 PM
Do you think that’s necessary?…
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:53 PM
I think it will give you a perspective that I can't. Yu is demanding I see a therapist so I was gonna go see her too
3:53 PM
We could always go together the first time if you're worried
I guess so... ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ I didn't mean to sound that depressing...
3:54 PM
Oh! That would be nice...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 3:54 PM
It's not that. I just want you to be able to talk to someone about it lol Preferably someone smarter than me
I should probably get more in contact with the Shadow Operatives one day anyhow... I'm gonna have to die one day. Better to plan ahead
3:55 PM
Heeey, I appreciate the insights anyhow, hehe!
3:55 PM
We can both be not smart about it.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 4:01 PM
Die??? Teddie, we're all so young you don't have to worry about that anytime soon...
4:01 PM
I think you're jumping the gun a little
I just wanna have that stuff sorted! It's not a fun thing to have to worry about!
4:03 PM
I don't even know if I can, and even if I do I definitely don't wanna like, accidentally get hit by a car and die and then turn into a shadow monster on a rampage!!
4:04 PM
.....Or just, disappear again...
4:04 PM
You have to take care of Hikaru if that ever happens, okay? Or I'm gonna haunt your house.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/12/2022 4:41 PM
Of course I will! But I'm just saying that it's going to take a while. I don't think you're gonna just explode and go violent at any point. Maybe one of the scientists at the SO can check you out tho...
I know, I know… That’s why I wanna get it sorted sooner rather then later, y’know? No more having to think about that at least!!
4:42 PM
….Just wish I trusted the scientists a little more.
Nii niiiiii!!~ zzmilkhappy I love you!! We have shows to catch up on now that you’re out of the hospital, okay??? zrmmpull2 Don’t forget!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:06 PM
oh right which one did you wanna start with? you and hikaru are welcome to come anytime
Hehehehehe~ I have a list I keep organized!!! You’ll seeeeeeee You won’t get rid of us that easily!! zzmilksmile
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:08 PM
ok ok lol. i look forward to it <3
6:08 PM
how are you feeling? and ill effects since being in there?
6:09 PM
No, don’t worry
6:09 PM
And Naoya been staying with me too! Ehehe…
6:10 PM
…. Sorry again.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:10 PM
dont be sorry. you did nothing wrong
6:10 PM
im just glad youre doing ok
6:11 PM
im glad you have nao-san looking after you
You shouldn’t have had to rescue me in the first place..
6:12 PM
Mm though!
6:13 PM
It’s been really nice, actually… zzmilkhappy I got really lucky!!!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:15 PM
eh, i just got overzealous and did it alone lol. next time ill bring the team, promise im really happy for you <3 its nice to have someone, and hes pretty mature and loving too
You better!! I’ll be mad otherwise, okay???
6:16 PM
Mhm mhm mhm!~ And he already knows about everything and he helps me with stuff zzmilkhappy and we can watch movies together! And cook together and everything…
6:17 PM
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:18 PM
im glad! take good care of him too, ok?
I do!!! I will!!! Anything and everything!! zzmilklove Anyyyyytime
6:19 PM
A bears promise!!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:21 PM
but be sure to take care of yourself too, ok? if he does anything that hurts you, let me know right away... i dont think nao-san would, but just in case...
He wouldn’t!! zzmilkangry
6:22 PM
So you don’t have to worry! Okay?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:22 PM
ok ok! lol
6:22 PM
i just know you tend to get pretty head over heels for people.
zzmilkcry What’s that supposed to mean?…
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:24 PM
it meeeeeans that you can ignore the bad stuff because you like being in love so much :T but thats fine. i just want you to know that love isn't supposed to hurt a bunch
6:24 PM
sometimes you and your partner will disagree on something, and it will hurt, but as long as the hurt goes away, then its ok
6:24 PM
i think fighting is normal, but compromising is key
6:24 PM
does that make sense
6:25 PM
I guess….
6:25 PM
We’re not fighting!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:25 PM
no! but you might
Okay okay…
6:25 PM
I don’t want to , though
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:26 PM
i know. no one wants to. just remember to try and come to an even ground if you guys disagree on something, ok...? yu and i sometimes hurt each other but we try really hard to come to a compromise, you know?
6:27 PM
how about this-- you can always come to me and i can help you talk through it. sound good?
6:27 PM
I guess it does. zzmilklove2
6:28 PM
I’ll talk to you if something happens!
6:28 PM
But it won’t.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:28 PM
ok ok lol <3 i trust you
Heehee~ Thank you for looking out for me
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:29 PM
ofc ofc
6:29 PM
i will always try to look out for you
zzmilkhappy I’ll look out for you too!! Anytime Anywhere
6:29 PM
And no matter what.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:30 PM
thank you teddie... im counting on you
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:31 PM
Hehe! Love you!! I have to go now zumilklove2 But I’ll be back to annoy you before you know it!! MWAH!!!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/1/2023 6:33 PM
lol, love you too. im gonna try to relax myself before i start work next week
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/12/2023 4:08 PM
Hey, Teddie? Are you available to talk a minute?
Of course! zzmilkhappy What's up?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/12/2023 4:10 PM
Well... Yu is moving out for a while. He's gonna go take care of Sho until he's back in fighting shape. I was wondering if you wanted to come stay with me in the meantime?
Eh? He's staying with Sho?...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/12/2023 4:14 PM
Yeah, for a while. I don't know how long. I can take care of Hikaru while you're busy, I'm not working right now.
Oh, I wasn't aware Sho-Sho was still in that bad a shape... zzmilkcry2 I see. Uhmm, I'll have to talk to Naoya for a bit, but yes!! I assume you'd rather not come here instead?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/12/2023 4:23 PM
Yeah, I'm sorry. Someone needs to watch the house and the cats.
Mhm! I figured, no worries
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/12/2023 4:24 PM
I'll wait for you to talk to Naoya. Take your time ❤️
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/22/2023 10:22 AM
Hey, are you okay?
10:22 AM
You left the chat pretty quickly...
zumilkdance2 Hmmm? Why wouldn't I be?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/22/2023 10:27 AM
Sorry, I just know things have been... A lot.
10:27 AM
Do you want to meet up? I don't have work today.
10:28 AM
Do you need to talk? I can!
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/22/2023 10:29 AM
I guess I wouldn't mind talking about some of my own problems, too.
10:30 AM
Why don't we go to the park? It's still a little chilly out, but the scenery is really nice.
Sure! It's a good idea to stretch my paws anyhow
10:31 AM
Did you want to go like, now?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/22/2023 10:33 AM
I'm okay going whenever you're able to. acHeart2
Give me a bit to make sure someone's taking care of Karu-chan! zzmilksmile And then I'll be thereee
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/22/2023 10:35 AM
Take your time, and tell Hikaru hello for me. acPleased
She'll be happy to hear it! Hehe
Phea: full-time twink bullier 5/2/2023 10:51 PM
Sometimes, the grotesque skies and scenery he experienced out in the shadow world had made him forget just how beautiful the place he had spent all that time protecting truly was. Far from the garish reds and sickening greens that he had spent so much of his time in, practically fighting for his life and the lives of others, the bright blue sky almost felt… Strange. Like reality was the one that hadn’t been right. On the rare days he hadn’t been working to fight off the seemingly never ending threats to humanity, he was able to touch base with this world. To remind himself that those twisted, shadow-infested hellscapes were nothing more than temporary. This was the world that he had worked himself to the bone to protect, and until his last breath would continue to lay his life on the line to keep it safe. To never allow that to turn into the hellish sights he had been so often subject to. While he would call up Yosuke to see if he wanted to go out and enjoy some one on one time, considering how little of that they had been able to achieve after Yu had moved out, today he had much different plans. Well… Not entirely different. If all went well, he would probably call up Yosuke to take out for dinner later, but he had some other plans, namely with the younger Hanamura. …It was a little hypocritical, to call out how often Teddie had been completely cutting himself off as soon as anything was going awry, but… It was something he was trying to work on, just a bit, and if anyone could relate to what the bear had been going through, what he was feeling, it had to be him, right? He hoped he could, at least.
10:51 PM
Teddie should have been here soon, although he hadn’t given any sort of serious timeframe, nor exact location to meet up, for that matter. All he had requested was that she come whenever was convenient for her—considering how last minute his request to meet up was, he really wasn't going to push for a time. There were arrangements to set up with finding someone to watch Hikaru and getting ready to go out. Knowing her, there was probably a long debate over just what to wear to the park, trying to find the perfect outfit for the weather and occasion. Waiting wasn’t something that bothered him in the slightest, anyway, eyes fixating themselves back onto his novel as he rested on a bench right next to the entrance of one of his favorite humble parks in the area. The book had been something pretty mindless, a French romance of a forbidden affair between a high-ranking woman and a commoner. It wasn't a masterpiece, but, especially in times like this, it was better just to have something that he could turn his brain off at. Allow himself to simply disconnect from it all, even if only for a brief moment.
Not feeling too well about whatever topics Yu had planned for them to discuss today, Teddie was procrastinating as much as possible getting to the park. As always, Hikaru was a lovely excuse- it wasn’t a lie she needed time to get someone to watch over her if it was true! …Though it hadn’t quite taken as long as she liked. Today hadn’t been fun- Talking with her friends seemed harder and harder to do lately, with everything always somehow tying back into the great big shadow mess. At this point, she really shouldn’t bother- but she had, and inevitably, it’d gone wrong. In an ideal world, that’d mean she could just hide in a big cozy pillow fort for the rest of the day. Instead she was here, to talk about… stuff. Life kept moving. She wished it didn't. Yu had been vague at best about what this was about, but it was about something, which automatically made it bad. Everything seemed to be about something lately. And how long had lately even been going for? This hadn’t been a good year so far, but really, had the last? Before that? Letting out a sigh, he looked at a bunch of children running past- hide and seek, it seemed like. Somewhere further, a couple was walking their dog and yet another person wearing headphones and carrying a suitcase was in a hurry towards the opposite direction. All normal things , on a normal day. The weather was nice for the time of year too! And all that loomed in the background was the ever growing threat of a god out to destroy it all. All normal things, on a normal day.
3:31 PM
He was fairly certain that’s what this all was about- what else? Teddie hated it- discussing it, thinking about it and living with it. But Yu had asked- and denying the request or putting it off probably would just make things worse. No, if at all possible, he’d like to get this over with now. With a little luck, Yu just needed someone to monologue to. He could totally nod and smile- he worked customer service before, after all! Then he’d be done and they all could go back to their little pretend game of normalcy again and- Ah, there was the park entrance. Darn. Even the most scenic route she could think up didn’t last her forever. Spotting Yu on a bench from behind, Teddie stood still for a bit. Right, happy bear thoughts. Stay positive and it’ll be over the fastest! Fixing her coat (at least she looked dashing!) and putting on a smile, she stuck her hand in the air to wave as she yelled to get Yu’s attention as she walked over. “Yuuuuuuuuuu!! Hellooooooo!~“ Oh, book spotted! He could change the topic before it could even begin! Sometimes he was so smart. „Ooo, what’cha reading?“ Leaning over the bench with great interest, Teddie immediately made grabby hands towards the book.
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